
One megahertz (abbreviated: MHz) is equal to 1,000 kilohertz, or 1,000,000 hertz. It can also be described as one million cycles per second. Megahertz is used to measure wave frequencies, as well as the speed of microprocessors.

Radio waves, which are used for both radio and TV broadcasts, are typically measured in megahertz. For example, FM radio stations broadcast their signals between 88 and 108 MHz. When you tune to 93.7 on your radio, the station is broadcasting at a frequency of 93.7 MHz.

Megahertz is also used to measure processor clock speeds. This measurement indicates how many instruction cycles per second a processor can perform. While the clock speeds of processors in mobile devices and other small electronics are still measured in megahertz, modern computer processors are typically measured in gigahertz.

Abbreviation: MHz.

Updated March 3, 2011 by Per C.

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