Stands for "Storage Resource Management." SRM is the process of managing large amounts of data. It includes efficiently managing existing data, backing up data, and scaling data storage solutions to grow with increasing storage requirements.
SRM software monitors and analyzes data storage usage for a specific storage environment, such as a local storage area network (SAN) or a cloud-based storage system. The software allocates data across multiple storage devices, including HDDs, SSDs, so that the storage is distributed efficiently. It can alert a system administrator when storage devices are failing or when additional storage is needed.
Many SRM applications also manage data backups. Some back up data on-the-fly, while others perform backups at regular intervals. A storage network managed by an SRM may have a failover system where a backup storage device is activated if the primary storage device fails.
Storage resource management also supports scalability. It enables the addition of new storage devices as more storage is needed. SRM software can detect new storage devices and automatically distribute existing and new data across them. This makes it easy to add extra data capacity to storage networks as needed.
As data usage continues to grow, large businesses and organizations may find themselves managing several petabytes or even exabytes of data. SRM technology makes this a manageable task by efficiently organizing data, backing it up, and providing a simple means of adding new storage.