How do I reference the website using APA citations?

If you are referencing a page on within a research paper or other written work, you may be required to cite the source using the APA citation style. If your bibliography or reference list requires APA citations, you can use the following guidelines to reference definitions on

  1. Author: Per Christensson
  2. Date Published: Year, Month Day (located in the lower-right corner of definition pages).
  3. Article Title: [Term] Definition
  4. Website Title:
  5. Retrieved: [Date you accessed the definition]
  6. URL:[term]

Below is an example of how you would cite the Social Media definition in APA, if accessed on August 21st, 2013.

Christensson, P. (2013, August 7). Social Media Definition. Retrieved August 21, 2013, from

Note that the date published should be placed within parentheses and the website name should be written in italics.

On definition pages where there is no date listed, you should use "2006" as the year, since definitions with no date listed were last updated in 2006.

Finally, if you are publishing the reference online or via an electronic medium, you should include a link to the definition URL so that it is clickable and can open the referenced page in a web browser.

NOTE: If your work requires MLA citations, you can view the MLA citation guidelines.